Dr Djohar Si Ahmed
Djohar Si Ahmed, PhD, is a psychoanalyst. She studied psychology and psychopathology at Paris Nanterre University, where she was a lecturer in clinical psychology. She worked for more than 20 years as a psychologist and psychoanalyst in a children’s centre for mental disorders, and in a psychiatric hospital. She is an Ericksonian hypnotherapist, Master in NLP, and a ‘Holotropic Breathworker’, trained in Transpersonal Psychology and is certified by the Grof Transpersonal Training Institute. She developed a mourning therapy (thérapie du deuil) using Moody’s Psychomanteum. In 1988, she co-founded the Institut des Champs Limites de la Psyché (ICLP) in Paris, a counseling, therapeutic and training center. She has contributed to the Telepathy Training Groups to include Warcollier’s telepathy studies. Her research focuses on the relationship between psychoanalysis, non-ordinary states of consciousness (trance states) and clinical parapsychology. She is member of theIMI in Paris.