William Tiller was a professor of materials science and engineering at Stanford University. During his retirement he carried out experiments appearing to show that psychic energy can directly influence chemical and biological systems.
William Tiller was born in Toronto, Canada in September 1929. He gained a BSc in engineering physics in 1952 from the University of Toronto, followed by an MSc and PhD from the same university in 1953 and 1955 respectively. He was employed for nine years at Westinghouse Research Laboratories (the scientific arm of Westinghouse Electric Corporation in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) where he built a world-class research group investigating the behaviour of cooled materials. He then accepted a full professorship appointment (something unprecedented at the time) in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Stanford University, a position he held until 1992.
During his retirement he pursued a long-standing interest in the deeper connections between consciousness and reality. He published several books and more than a hundred scientific papers, and established a foundation to promote research and collaboration between psychoenergetics researchers and their organizations.
Imprinting Intention
From the late 1990s to mid-2000s, Tiller and colleagues developed a novel research program investigating the effect of stored mental intention on chemical and biological processes. Tiller arranged for small groups of meditators to try to transmit specific intentions to small physical devices that would show up in a later experiment. This was an electronic circuit designed to produce random voltage spikes; the noise was influenced or 'imprinted' by human intention and stored in the memory of the device. Research on these intention imprinted electronic devices (IIED), as they were termed, is described in several publications, indicating highly significant (p < 0.001) effects on fly larvae development, pH oscillations in water samples, liver enzyme function, insect metabolism and other target systems.1 Some examples follow.
In 1999 Tiller and Dibble reported exploratory experiments conducted on commercial bottled water, testing the effect of imprinted intention on pH levels (a measure of alkalinity/acidity). Testing at Stanford University found that pH fell by over 0.25 units more for samples exposed to imprinted devices compared to control (non-imprinted) devices.2
Later research conducted at Minnesota University by Tiller and several independent researchers explored the idea of ‘conditioned spaces’ by leaving an imprinted device in the same location for three months. Acidity changes in conditioned spaces were compared to nearby controls, with very significant differences observed (p = 0.001).3 Interestingly, conditioned and control samples began to display similar variations in acidity levels, even after a year.4
Five years later, Tiller and Dibble, collaborating with two other researchers, replicated and extended the imprinted device effect on acidity profiles and found hitherto undiscovered influences on reaction kinetics, suggesting new mechanisms of action.5
Fly Larvae
Working with Michael Kohane, Tiller probed the interplay of electromagnetic fields and imprinted intention on the growth and metabolism of 10,000 fly larvae of the genus Drosophila Melanogaster. Results showed that electromagnetic shielding reduced larval development time by 10% and increased metabolism by 30%, indicating an inhibiting effect of specific EM frequencies. Groups of larvae placed next to imprinted devices and exposed to EM fields gave growth and metabolism rates intermittent between EM exposed and non-exposed groups, suggesting a partial protective effect from intention.6
Buddhist Relics
In a study reported in 2012, Tiller and Dibble reported an extension of the basic imprinted device protocol. Unimprinted intention devices were placed in the vicinity of Maitreya Buddhist relics for about 72 hours (three nights), with the aim of imprinting the device with the Buddha’s loving kindness essence. The imprinted device was then placed in an unconditioned room in the presence of a water vessel (pH ~ 5.6) that was continuously monitored via a pH-sensor system. After about three months, four individuals in a deep meditative state ‘asked’ the essence inside the device to manifest itself in a way that might be registered by the pH-sensor.
During the first three months, the pH changed minimally (less than 0.4 units). However, following the meditative instruction the pH eventually climbed by about 2.5 units – a very significant change (p < 0.001). Tiller and Dibble concluded that it is possible
- to imprint from an already deified object to an unimprinted device
- to activate the area of a room from the newly imprinted device
- for individuals in deep meditation to release the positive intentions embedded in a device in order to influence external processes.7
In Conscious Acts of Creation: The Emergence of a New Physics (2001), Tiller, Dibble and Kohane describe rigorous experimental protocols testing specific human intentions. Additionally, the book provides some theoretical speculations on the mechanisms involved.8
In Some Science Adventures with Real Magic (2005), Tiller, Dibble and Fandel make bold assertions based on accumulated findings with imprinted devices. The book describes a new energy in nature that mediates long-range information transfer and connects both regular space-time physics with psychoenergetic science.9
Michael Duggan
Dibble, W.E., & Tiller, W.A. Electronic device-mediated pH changes in water. (1999). Journal of Scientific Exploration 13/2, 155-76.
Dibble, W.E., Tiller, W.A., & Kohane, M.J. (1999). Towards objectifying intention via electronic devices. Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine 8/2, 103-23.
Dibble, W.E., & Tiller, W.A. (2000). Development of pH and temperature oscillations in water containing ZnCO3 crystallites using intention imprinted electronic devices. Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine 8/2, 175.
Dibble, W.E., & Tiller, W.A. (2000). Can an aspect of consciousness be imprinted into an electronic device? Integrative Physiological and Behavioural Science 35, 2, 140.
Dibble, W.E., Tiller, W.A., & Kohane, M. J. (2000). Exploring robust interactions between human intention and inanimate/animate systems, Part I: Experimental. Frontier Perspectives 9/6.
Dibble, W.E., & Tiller, W.A. (2001). New experimental evidence revealing an unexpected dimension to materials science and engineering. Materials Research Innovations 5, 21-34.
Dibble, W.E., & Tiller, W.A. (2001). New experimental evidence revealing an unexpected dimension to materials science and engineering. Materials Research Innovation 5, 21-34.
Dibble, W.E., Tiller, W.A., & Kohane, M.J. (2001). Exploring robust interactions between human intention and inanimate/animate systems, Part II. Theoretical Frontier Perspectives 10, 9.
Dibble, W.E., Tiller, W.A., & Kohane, M.J. (2001). Conscious Acts of Creation: The Emergence of a New Physics. Walnut Creek, CA: Pavior Publishing.
Dibble, W.E., Tiller, W.A., & Krebs, C.T. (2004). Instrumental response to advanced kinesiological treatments in a conditioned space. Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine 13, 91-108.
Dibble, W.E., Tiller, W.A,, & Shealy, C.N. (2004). Towards general experimentation and discovery in conditioned laboratory spaces, part II: pH-change experience at four remote sites, one year later. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 10, 301-306.
Dibble, W.E., Tiller, W.A., & Fandel, J.G. (2005). Some Science Adventures with Real Magic. Walnut Creek, California: Pavior Publishing.
Dibble, W.E., Tiller, W.A., & Migli, A. (2005). Towards general experimentation in conditioned laboratory spaces, part IV: Macroscopic information entanglement between sites 6000 miles apart. Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine 11, 973-76.
Dibble, W.E., & Tiller, W.A. (2007). A Towards general experimentation and discovery in conditioned and CAM spaces, part V: Data on 10 different sites using a new type of subtle energy detector Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine 13, 133-49.
Dibble, W.E., Tiller.W.A., Manek, R., Manek, N. (2012). The Buddha Relics and Evidence of Physical Space Conditioning with Unimprinted Intention Host Devices. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 18, 379-81.
Dibble, W.E., Tiller, W.A., & Kohane. M. J. (2012). Can an aspect of consciousness be imprinted into an electronic device? Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science 35, 142-62.
Kohane, M. J., & Tiller, W.A. (2000). Energy, Fitness and Electromagnetic Fields in Drosophila Melanogaster. Journal of Scientific Exploration 14, 217-31.
Manek, N., & Tiller, W.A. (2014). Feasibility of Information Medicine as Delivered by Intention Host Devices: A Case Report. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 20, 89-90.
McCraty, R., Atkinson, M., Tomasino, D., & Tiller, W. (2018). The electricity of touch: Detection and measurement of cardiac energy exchange between people: Is a Biological Science of Values Possible. Downloaded from Researchgate: 29th July 2022.
Miller, S., Reed, C., Tang, F., Manek, N., & Tiller, W. (2014). Impact of broadcast intention on autism spectrum behaviors. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 20, 146-53.
Myers, A. (2022). William Tiller, materials engineer, expert in materials solidification, has died. Stanford University. [Web page]
Pajunen, G., Purnell, M., Dibble, W., & Tiller, W. (2009). Altering the acid/alkaline balance of water via the use of an intention-host device. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 15, 963-69.
Tiller, W.A. (1997). Science and Human Transformation: Subtle Energies, Intentionality and Consciousness. Walnut Creek, California, USA: Pavior Publishing.
Tiller, W.A., & Kohane, M.J. (2000). Energy, fitness and information – augmented electromagnetic fields in Drosophila Melanogaster. Journal of Scientific Exploration 14/2, 217.
Tiller, W.A., & Kohane, M.J. (2000). Anomalous environmental influences in in vitro enzyme studies, Part 1: Some Faraday cage and multiple vessel studies. Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine 11/1, 75.
Tiller, W.A., Kohane, M.J. (2000). Anomalous environmental influences in in vitro enzyme studies, Part 2: Some electronic device effects. Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine 11/2, 99.
Tiller, W.A., & Kohane, M.J. (2001). Biological processes, quantum mechanics and electromagnetic fields: The possibility of device-encapsulated human intention in medical therapies. Medical Hypotheses 56/6, 598-607.
Tiller, W. A., & Kohane, M.J. (2000). Energy, fitness and EM fields in drosophila melanogaster. Journal of Scientific Exploration 14, 217-31.
Tiller, W.A. (2007). Psychoenergetic Science: A Second Copernican Scale Revolution. Walnut Creek, CA: Pavior Publishing.
Tiller, W., Tiller, J., Dibble, W., Manek, R., & Manek, N. (2012). The Buddha relics and evidence of physical space conditioning with unimprinted intention host devices. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 18, 379-81.
Unsigned. (2022). Dr. William A Tiller. Intention Science, the Tiller Foundation. [Web page]
- 1. Dibble & Tiller (1999, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2007); Tiller and Kohane (2000, 2001); Tiller, et al. (1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2012, 2014).
- 2. Dibble & Tiller (1999).
- 3. Dibble et al. (2004).
- 4. Tiller et al. (2004).
- 5. Pajunen et al. (2009).
- 6. Tiller & Kohane (2000).
- 7. Tiller et al. (2012).
- 8. Tiller et al. (2001).
- 9. Dibble et al. (2005).