Parapsychology PhDs in the UK (list)

In recent decades, a significant number of people in Britain have gained doctorates in the field of parapsychology. This table lists them, along with those who are currently studying for a doctorate (italicized).  The table can be viewed as a family tree of academic 'progeny', with currently three generations of PhDs. The progeny of Professor Robert Morris occupy an entire page, testimony to his particular contribution to academic parapsychology.  

Their first supervisors are indicated in the column to the left. The second supervisor (for those that had one) is indicated by initials in parenthesis after their name. The number of 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation students are 48, 39 and 12 respectively, giving a total of 99.

An underline indicates that the person has obtained a permanent academic appointment. There are 37 of these and currently 17 departments in the UK where parapsychological research is pursued. The raised capitals identify the current university afiliation (see list below for key). An asterisk indicates that the person no longer does parapsychology research. 



Generation One

Generation Two

Generation Three

John Beloff EDIN

Richard Broughton NH





Deborah Delanoy NH




Julie MiltonEDIN

David Luke (SS) GREEN

Paul Atkinson

Erica Brostoff

Goran Brusewitz (AP)

Ross Friday



Adrian Parker GOTH


Anneli Goulding GOTH



Michael Thalbourne ADEL

James Houran

Lance Storm ADEL

Monika Goretzki (MT)

Chris French GOLD

Susan Crawley




Karen Hatton




Itai Ivtzan




Louie Savva




Krissy Wilson MACQ




Duncan Colvin



Craig Murray* LANC

David Wilde* NOTT




Neil Dagnall MAN


Ken Drinkwater





Susan Blackmore* WEST


Jennifer Parker WEST



Anita Gregory

Celia Green




Keith Hearne




Julian Isaacs




Charles McCreery




Serena RoneyDougal




Carl Sargent




Ernesto Spinelli




Robin Wooffitt YORK

Isaac Hughes




Tamlyn Ryan




Madeleine Castro




Francis Clixby




Hannah Gilbert




Germaine Gunther




Rachel Hayward




Generation One

Generation Two

Generation Three

Robert Morris EDIN

Carlos Alvarado VIRG




Claudia Coehlo (PL)




Shari Cohn




Emily Cook  VIRG




Kathy Dalton




Ricardo Eppinger




Loftur Gissurarson




Richard Harrison




Daniel Shiah KAOH




Marios Kittenis EDIN




Peter Lamont EDIN





Tony Lawrence* COV




James Lumsden-Cook

Ian Hume COV



Jose Navarro GREEN

Helen Prudhoe

Ben Roberts

Rebecca Smith


Konrad Morgan




Chris Roe NH













Simon Sherwood COV 

Paul Stevens DERBY

Niko Tiliopoulos SYD

Robin Taylor

Louise Farrell (SS)

Nicola Holt WEST

Glenn Hitchman* UCFB

Elizabeth Roxburgh (DD) NH
Christine Simmonds-Moore GEORG

Cal Cooper

Sophie Drennan

Louise King (ER)

Chetak Nangare

David Saunders

Kim Sheffield

Charmaine Sonnex (ER)

Jacqueline Stone


Ian Baker (RM) DERBY





Steve Parsons


Caroline Watt EDIN

Mary Jane Anderson (RM)

Alison Easter

Thomas Rabeyron NANTES

Peter Ramakers

David Smith

Milan Valášek

Ana Flores



Carl Williams* COV

Melvyn Willin

Stuart Wilson MARG




Richard Wiseman HERT





Nancy Zingrone (PL)

Emma Greening

Ciaran O'Keeffe BUCK

Paul Rogers WINCH


Matthew Smith BUCK




Emma Lowrie

Ann Winsper


EDIN: University of Edinburgh, UK

NH: University of Northampton, UK

MANCH: Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

YORK: University of York, UK

WEST: University of the West of England, UK

GOLD: Goldsmiths, University of London, UK

DERBY: University of Derby, UK

GOTH: University of Gothenburg, Sweden

ADEL: University of Adelaide, Australia

VIRG: University of Virginia, USA

COV: Coventry University, UK

GREEN: University of Greenwich, UK

LANC: University of Lancaster, UK

MARG: Queen Margaret University, UK

HERT: University of Hertfordshire, UK

UCFB: UCFB Wembley, UK

NOTT: Nottingham Trent University, UK

BUCK: Buckinghamshire New University

WINCH: University of Winchester

OPEN: Open University, UK

SYD: University of Sydney, Australia

GEORG: University of West Georgia, USA

MACQ: Macquarrie University, Australia

NANTES: University of Nantes, France

KAOH: National Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan