Prof Hans Gerding
Hans Gerding is Emeritus Professor at Leiden University (Institute of Philosophy) and has been director of the Parapsychological Institute in Utrecht. He wrote a dissertation on the Kant-Swedenborg controversy (Kant and the paranormal), incorporated psi reseach in his university-courses and was involved in psi-research (also exploring changes in the Ganzfeld-paradigm). He served as vice-president of the Dutch SPR and as a boardmember of the Dutch Jung Society. Today he works at the Parapsychological Institute, lectures at the Academy of Humanities in Utrecht and is a member of the advisory board of the Society for Transpersonal Psychiatry. In his philosophical counseling practice he talks with people who report having exceptional experiences. He is co-author of these books: Psi in Science and Philosophy: History of Parapsychology in The Netherlands, Vehicle of the Soul (both in Dutch) and Wild Beasts of the Philosophical Desert: Philosophers on Telepathy and Other Exceptional Experiences.