
Clinical psychologist and author based at the Monroe Institute, noted for psychokinesis training programs carried out over two decades in Las Vegas casinos.

Israeli-born celebrity psychic known for metal-bending and telepathic feats.

International project which has found  statistically significant deviations in the output of random event generators suggestive of a mass emotional response to major world events. 

Investigation of a Florida housewife who exhibits psychic effects, notably the spontaneous, involuntary and seemingly inexplicable appearance on her skin and clothes of flakes of golden-like brass foil.

Trinidadian psychic of Indian descent who participated in ESP and PK experiments with American researchers from the 1970s.

Nineteenth-century rationalist debating club notable for its 1871 report of an investigation that conclusively established certain claims of psychokinetic phenomena as genuine.

A statistical procedure used by parapsychologists that combines the results of studies in a particular area of research in order to provide a more robust finding.

Russian woman (1926–1990) whose apparent ability to move objects by psychokinesis was investigated by parapsychologists from the 1960s. Claims of fraud were never substantiated. 

Self-proclaimed American psychic (1920–1987) who won notoriety by claiming macro-psychokinetic (PK) powers, including an ability to control the weather on a large scale, direct lightning strikes, and cause or predict accidents.

Nineteenth century Italian trance medium (1854–1918) who produced psychokinetic phenomena of striking strength, variety and reliability, attracting the interest of scientists throughout Europe.