Psi Healing

Bereavement therapy based on EMDR, said by practitioners to bring relief by facilitating healing visions of deceased loved ones.

Healing powers attributed to the shrine of Lourdes in southern France are said to have brought about miraculous cures from a range of debilitating diseases, at at least some of which appear to be medically inexplicable.

Assesses the quality and outcomes of research into forms of complementary and alternative medicine: intercessory prayer, therapeutic touch, Reiki, Johrei and other forms of spiritual or distant healing. 

Describes explorations by NDE researcher Raymond Moody of a mirror-gazing technique originally used by ancient Greeks to contact the dead, here used for therapeutic purposes.

Reviews the development of regression techniques in hypnotherapy, in which apparent past life memories are treated less as descriptions of true events than as metaphorical stories that assist with healing.  

Spirit Release Therapy (SRT) is a clinical treatment sometimes used with patients who appear to be ‘possessed’ by a harmful spirit entity, and who have not responded to conventional psychotherapy or psychiatric methods.