Organizations & Publications

The Parapsychology Foundation (PF) is a US-based forum founded in 1951 by Eileen J Garrett (1893-1970) that provides funding for the international development of parapsychology. 

The Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) laboratory was founded in 1979 by Robert Jahn and carried out ground-breaking research in psychokinesis (PK) and remote viewing for nearly three decades.

Reference for contributors to the Psi Encyclopedia, giving guidance on style and presentation.  

Organization based in Durham, North Carolina, which grew out of JB Rhine's parapsychology laboratory at Duke University, and is now dedicated to psi research, education and community activities. 

Membership organization founded in London in 1882 for the scientific investigation of claims of psychic phenomena, the first of its kind.

The Southern California Society for Psychical Research was founded in 1961 and later merged with the International Foundation for Survival Research.

Overview of non-university organizations that carry out psi research in the UK, including the Ghost Club, ASSAP and Para.Science. 

The Windbridge Institute, based in Tucson, Arizona, was founded in 2008 to conduct research on psi functioning, with an emphasis on real-world applications.

Non-profit research organization based in Tucson, Arizona, dedicated to the rigorous scientific study of mental mediums (people who claim regular communication with the deceased).