Describes scientific research into the phenomenon of ‘seeing’ colours by touch alone.

Since the 1980s, experimental parapsychologists have studied distant mental interactions with living systems (DMILS), both humans and small animals. This article looks at the uses of the method in distant healing research.

Summaries of reports, surveys and analysis on dream ESP found in the research archives of the Society for Psychical Research, from 1889 to 1998.

Describes the study of psi in dreams, notably of telepathic interactions and precognition of future events.

American psychoanalyst and paranormal investigator (1908-1998) known for his three-year study of  the ‘thoughtography’ practised by Ted Serios, and for his insightful theorising about the role of unconscious motivation in the manifestation of psi effects.

Overview of the attempts by scientists and scholars to apply experimental methods to claims of psychic experiences, from 19th-century séances to the use of statistics in present day laboratory experiments.

Parapsychologists have been developing new methods of testing for psi, including double-slit optical systems, mobile apps and mass online testing.   

Parapsychologists have come to believe that experimenters play a major role in influencing the outcome of psi experiments. 


Observations by Chinese scientists of 1980s experiments in which Chinese children repeatedly demonstrated an ability to recognize hidden images and words by touch alone. 

A ground-breaking ESP study that appeared to show a precognitive effect was reported in 2011 by American psychologist Daryl Bem.  This article describes the experiments and assesses sceptical critiques.