Mediums & Psychics

Soldier son of the noted scientist Oliver Lodge. Raymond was killed in battle in 1915 and, according to his father, subsequently communicated with his family through mediums. 

Sathya Sai Baba was an Indian religious leader known worldwide for 'miracles' such as materializing sweets and ornaments. This article describes observations made by investigators Erlendur Haraldsson and Karlis Osis during visits in the 1970s.

This case study describes experiments undertaken in Paris by French researcher Eugene Osty working with the Austrian physical medium Rudi Schneider. The experiments were notable for the use...

Norfolk-based group that held séances during the 1990s, claiming to have communicated with spirits and to have observed paranormal phenomena of various kinds. 

Ted Serios (1918-2006)  was an adept in the rare phenomenon of ‘thoughtography’ (an ability to 'think' images onto photographic film), investigated over many years by Denver psychiatrist Jule Eisenbud.

Outstanding musical performer (1848-1927) who attributed his gifts to mediumship. In later life he won critical acclaim as an essayist under the pen name Francis Grierson.

Nineteenth century seance medium who was publicly accused of fraud, but who was also said to have produced striking physical phenomena in well-controlled conditions. 

Swiss medium (1861-1929), the subject of a classic 1900 study by Théodore Flournoy often cited by proponents of psychological and non-survivalist interpretations of mediumship.

Doris Stokes (1920-87) was a controversial celebrity medium who was much in the public eye in Britain during the 1980s.

Alexander Tanous (1926-1990) was a noted New England psychic and parapsychologist, who contributed to out-of-body research.