Mediums & Psychics

Nineteenth century Italian trance medium (1854–1918) who produced psychokinetic phenomena of striking strength, variety and reliability, attracting the interest of scientists throughout Europe.

Examination of writings by 'Patience Worth', asking whether the case should be considered in terms of spirit communication or rather as one involving creative dissociation.  For a biographical introduction see Patience Worth (Pearl Curran).

Walter Franklin PrincePutative author of critically-acclaimed novels, poems and other works channelled by Pearl Curran (1883-1937), first through the use of a Ouija board, then by clairvoyant and clairaudient dictation. 

Landmark 1970s experiment in which a Canadian group created psychokinetic phenomena while communicating with a ‘discarnate spirit’ whose identity, personality and memories they had made up. 

Boston trance medium, the subject of in-depth investigations by British and American researchers, considered by many to have provided convincing evidence of survival of death.  

Dutch clairvoyant with a particular facility for psychometry, able by handling an object to discern true facts about its owner and past events associated with it. 

Brazilian spiritist medium (1883-1923) reputed to produce direct writing, levitations, apports and materialization phenomena.

Psychics are often involved in police work, helping to solve crimes and trace missing persons. The record of psychic detection is mixed, with striking successes offset by complete failures.

Classic mediumship case, in which a sitting was interrupted by a communicator who identified himself as the captain of an airship that had crashed two days earlier and gave urgent technical details about the causes of the disaster. 

Soldier son of the noted scientist Oliver Lodge. Raymond was killed in battle in 1915 and, according to his father, subsequently communicated with his family through mediums.