Scientists & Researchers

English psychiatrist and criminologist (1924–2020) who published his first ESP results in 1941, aged 17, and remained an active member of the Society for Psychical Research for eight decades.  

Michael Whiteman (1906–2007), a British-born mathematician living in South Africa, wrote books and articles inspired by his many psychical and mystical experiences. 

British psychology professor, bestselling author and high-profile critic of parapsychology. 

Marc Wittmann is a cognitive neuroscientist based in Freiburg, Germany, where he conducts research on time perception and psi phenomena.

Neuroscientist at the University of Oregon who has published research on the veridical and transformative effects of near-death experiences. She is the author of Infinite Awareness: The Awakening of a Scientific Mind (2015).   

Brazilian psychologist whose research interests include anomalistic psychology, hypnosis and altered states of consciousness.

American psychologist, parapsychologist and educator (b 1951) whose research has included ESP experiments, survey studies of psi experiences, and examinations of parapsychology texts from a science studies point of view.  

Dutch psychical researcher and commentator (1898-1990), chiefly remembered for his many books and articles on parapsychological topics.