Scottish physicist (1828-1887) who was interested in psychical research and co-authored The Unseen Universe (1875), a much-discussed attempt to reconcile modern physics with Christianity.
Scientists & Researchers
Australian psychologist and parapsychologist who uses innovative statistical and methodological approaches to help understand both normal and anomalistic psychology.
British physicist (1875-1947) who designed a method of using infrared photography in the investigation of physical mediumship.
René Sudre (1880-1968) was a French science journalist active in psi research during the 1920s.
Barry Taff is an American author and investigator of hauntings, UFOs and alien abduction phenomena
American psychiatrist (1961-2002) and pioneer in the field of mind-body medical research, whose 1999 study on the effect of prayer on AIDS patients was the cause of controversy.
American physicist, laser pioneer and parapsychologist who collaborated with Harold Puthoff in the study of remote viewing, the basis of the psychic intelligence-gathering programme known as Star Gate.
American psychologist and parapsychologist who was internationally known for research on the nature of consciousness and has experimented widely in psi and out-of-body experiences.
Dutch psychologist and parapsychologist (1894-1981), known for his research and writings about the Dutch psychic detective and healer Gerard Croiset.
Australian psychologist and parapsychologist (1955-2010) whose research interests included psi experimentation and theory, the psychology of mystical experience, coincidence and Kundalini.