Scientists & Researchers

Influential British moral philosopher (1838-1900) whose doubts about religious belief led him to play a major role in the founding of psychical research as a scientific endeavor.

Australian neuroscientist who has recently carried out a brain imaging study that appears to confirm telepathic interactions between identical twins.

British psychologist and parapsychologist living in the US, whose research interests include the psychology of paranormal belief/disbelief and clinical approaches to exceptional experiences.

University mathematics teacher and parapsychologist (1889-1975) who was discovered after his death to have faked his seemingly dramatic successes with telepathy experiments during the 1940s and 1950s.

American physicist who has carried out psi research, notably in remote viewing, with an emphasis on seeking physical correlates to psi performance.  

American neuroscientist and naturopathic physician who has performed successful psi experiments in distant interactions.

Rex Stanford (1938-2022) was an American psychologist and parapsychologist known for his influential Psi-mediated Instrumental Research (PMIR) model.

Nineteenth-century journalist, author, social reformer and medium, author of Letters from Julia (1909), automatic writings said to contain communications from a deceased friend on the subject of afterlife conditions. 

Philosopher who has carried out psi research in Germany and Britain, principally on mind-matter effects and precognition.

British psychologist who has carried out parapsychological research emphasizing the role played by the environment in psi expression.