Scientists & Researchers

Letitia Fairfield (1885-1978) was a pioneering medical doctor, lawyer and women’s rights campaigner, with an interest in parapsychology.

Retired American clinical psychologist, daughter of JB Rhine and Louisa Rhine, who carried out psi experiments at the Rhine Research Center in the 1960s. 

English barrister, psychical researcher and minor aristocrat (1867-1936), author of a 1909 report on Eusapia Palladino that is frequently cited as evidence of  physical seance phenomena. 

British neuropsychiatrist, neurophysiologist and parapsychologist, a leading authority on near-death experiences and related phenomena. 

British-born journalist and author of books on paranormal subjects (1947-2001). In his 1991 book Hungry Ghosts he described certain disillusioning experiences with mediumistic channelling.  

GW Fisk (1882-1972) was a British experimental parapsychologist who made a notable contribution to ESP research.  

French astronomer and psychical researcher (1842-1925), notable for his writings on mediumship and psychic phenomena, including case collections. 

Ana Borges Flores is a lawyer by training who has moved into psychology and psi research, and is developing experimental tests in quantum theory.

Swiss psychologist (1854-1920) noted for his book From India to the Planet Mars, a psychological study of the trance medium Hélène Smith. 

Academic psychologist and psi investigator (1934-2010) whose many books covered topics such as transpersonal psychology, dreams and survival of death.